Monday, August 29, 2005

Got drama?

Oh Shazaam. Things are slow today. Been cruising the blogs reading about all the drama in blogland. I found the usual fare of "
Mommies Wrestling", "Mommies boxing", "Kid Burning", and, of course, the less interesting "I'm political". Then I hit pay dirt.

Welcome to the jerry Springer Show!

This is incredible! This poor woman thought she had found Mr. Right, only to hear 'Get her Sparkey!' 13 days into marital bliss. What ever happened to romance? Man, I'll tell you what, if Mrs. Denotsko ever complains about my genetic inability to be romantic, I'm reading this to her, again. I hate to find personal satisfaction in the misery of others; but I feel like the king of normality now. No matter how fucked things seem in my life sometimes, I can always take comfort in the fact that there are people far more disfunctional than me in the world. Come on. You're supposed to be fucking adults.


justdawn said...

If you get a dog that will respond to your comand of "Get her Sparky" by taking a bite out of my flesh...then I will in turn get a dog which I will train to SICK BALLS:)

Sparkling said...

Not sure who's the most stupid. The wife, the husband or the dog... Jerry Springer is just in it for the money.

Anonymous said...

I say it every day: "People are stupid." Or, I say, "I hate people. They're so stupid."

That mommy blog drama was freaking hilarious! Uptight mommies are stupid. I'm afraid I have to say that this dog-bitten women probably isn't the brightest bulb on the strand, as she clearly married this schmuck knowing he had some issues. Probably thought her love could change him. Oh, wait, I think she pretty much stated that in one of her entries. Stupid.

Jerry Springer, on the other hand, as much as I despise the guy, was brilliant, as he made craploads of money off the fact that stupid people love to watch even stupider people act stupid on television! No offense, clublint.

MR said...

Thanks for ya comments in my bloggie.. thanks for ya time..

Erin M said...

My jaw hit the floor when i read that woman's entry... i mean i always assumed that Jerry Spring was smoke mirrors and booze but there in blogland is someone living th elife

Anonymous said...

I appreciate your comments. Actually I am smarter than ANY of you gave me credit for! First of all I am an attorney, SECOND of all, I intended for this man to pay for EVERYTHING he had done including SICKING THE DOG on me, and FOURTH, I was awarded almost 80,000.00 for the attack! So I guess I am not so stupid afterall.

By the way, to the author of the blog, thanks so much for your promotion of it all. Jerry Springer would be lucky to fair as well in HIS situations as I did!
Anyone who finds pleasure in some else's pain need a SHRINK buddy!

If the only way I could attract readers to my blog was to try and make light of a very traumatic experience of another, I would get off the net.

Anonymous said...

By the way genius, you mispelled disfunctional. Its DYSFUNCTIONAL!