Sunday, August 21, 2005

The Decorators

My sister and I decided that the dog house in our back yard was just too drab. I was probably 5 or 6 years old. She felt sorry for our dog, and decided that we should paint the dog house. We looked in the garage and found a couple of cans of spraypaint.

When we started, the dog seemed excited about the project; but as the fumes from the paint found their way his direction, he made himself scarce. Unfortunately for the dog, the only colors available were silver and gold. The whole project soon became quite ugly. It didn't take long to finish painting the doghouse and ourselves. WOW! We were great artists.

We then moved our attention to the interior. It would look fabulous when we were done. We crawled inside and began to paint. The fumes hung heavily in the unventilated doghouse...........ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

The next thing I remember was my father pulling us across the lawn by our feet. He sprayed us thoroughly with the garden hose to try to revive us and clean us and punish us all in one action. He was terrified that we had poisoned ourselves with the paint fumes.

We recovered fine, and our dog loved the new look. His house glistened in the sun like a foil covered spaceship.


Anonymous said...

And did the dog like it ?

denotsKO said...

Out like a light. I'm sure I had quite a buzz before I went down though.

JoanneMarie Faust said...

Great story. Thanks for sharing it.